Currently: Favorites with Chloe Taylor


Welcome to Currentlya new series from FACTEUR PR where we share the latest favorites of our staff and clients here on our blog! In this edition, get to know Chloe Taylor, FACTEUR PR Spring Intern. Read on!

Name: Chloe Taylor

Job: FACTEUR PR Intern

Location: Valdosta, GA

College you go to: Valdosta State University, studying Communication and Public Relations

Currently, my favorite...


Book I recently read or reading: I’m currently reading The Idiot by Elif Batuman. Being a cross-cultural communication major at heart, two of my favorite things to study are language and culture (+ the way they interact). This novel examines both of those things in a very beautiful way and shares a cute love story at the same time!

Part of my job: All of the new things I’ve been learning! I’ve been able to take things I enjoy in my everyday life and put them into my work which is a really cool thing to be able to do.

Album or song: It’s not a new album, but every summer I come back to Evil Friends by Portugal. The Man. It’s been my go-to summer album every since it dropped in 2013.

Magazine I read: I have an entire collection of Nylon issues I adored in high school and was super bummed when I heard they wouldn’t be printing anymore.

Blog I read: the blue eyed gal. Every blog post is written in both English and Spanish, so it’s been a great tool to use as I’ve been trying to improve my Spanish lately! (+ Augustina Torti one of the coolest girls I can think of!!)

Place I visited: I’d like to do a lot more traveling, but I love going to St. Simons Island in Georgia. It’s a quiet little beach town with a lot of greenery and biking trails. Plus, it features one of my favorite little bookshops that’s filled with used classics!

Clothing/accessories/shoes I bought: A few weeks ago, I bought this hand-dyed Pisces koi fish shirt from Urban Outfitters and it’s super soft/cute/very flowy. I can’t get enough of it!

Event I attended: This isn’t a professional event, but we have little culture nights at my college where people share stories, art, dances, and writings they’ve done in their own languages or with references to cultures they’re a part of/studying/appreciate. Those are really cool, and we had an Arabic-French night I went to with some friends recently.

Instagram account: I feel like I should use this opportunity to plug myself, but I’ll refrain haha! The only non-celebrity/company I have notifications on for is @laiapcy! She’s always posting the cutest outfits and pictures of her little dog Jack!

Food I ate/restaurant I tried: I don’t have any particular restaurant in mind, but I love little local sandwich shops! Anytime I go to a new place, that’s something I look for.

Drink: Iced green tea. Didn’t even have to think about that one!

TV show or movie I watched: I actually don’t watch a lot of TV! I usually only keep things like reality shows on for background noise.

Thing overall I'm obsessed with: My Wacom tablet! It was gifted to me for Christmas and using it to make digital art has been a really relaxing hobby for me lately.


Office Jams: Summer 2018 Playlist


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