Social media and story ideas for December


Hello, December. After what we think may somehow be the longest year ever, the last month of the year will hopefully bring us some necessary cheer. The approaching holiday season has no shortage of great events that can serve as an inspirational source for blogging, social media, and media relations. To get you started, here are just a few opportunities this month to align your brand or business with some already note-worthy happenings online.

December is...

  • Universal Human Rights Month

  • National Tie Month

  • Safe Toys and Gifts Month

  • National Egg Nog Month

  • National Pear Month 

  • Write a Business Plan Month

Daily opportunities include…

December 1: National Pie Day

December 4: National Cookie Day

December 8: National Brownie Day

December 6: Hanukkah ends

December 15: National Wear Your Pearls Day

December 17: National Ugly Sweater Day

December 24: Christmas Eve 

December 25: Christmas, National Pumpkin Pie Day

December 31: New Year’s Eve, National Champagne Day 


Want more content ideas for the year? These are just a few of the ones we've identified! We have developed four editorial content calendars specifically for the food & drink, arts & hobbies, health & wellness, and lifestyle industries. You can find them HERE on the FACTEUR website (and showcased below). We've pulled together social media, blogging, and PR opportunities based on monthly and daily holidays, hashtags, and high profile events that are related to each of those industries. And of course, for ideas year-round to save you time on your marketing, subscribe to COURANTLY, our new marketing membership for lifestyle brands!


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The FACTEUR PR Holiday Gift Guide 2021