Currently: Favorites with Emily Kopchak


Welcome back to Currentlya series from FACTEUR PR where we share the latest favorites of our staff and clients here on our blog! In this edition, get to know Emily Kopchak, FACTEUR PR Intern. Emily is a senior at Kent State University, majoring in Fashion Merchandising with a minor in Fashion Media and Visual Communication Design. Cheers!

Currently, my favorite...

Book I recently read or am reading:
I haven’t had much time to set aside for reading recently, but I am excited get around to reading Michelle Obama’s new memoir, Becoming. I love reading the stories of inspiring women!

Part of my job:
This internship has been the best opportunity to add to my portfolio! It is such a great space to learn as well.


Album or song:
Mumford & Sons released a new album in November! Delta has a number of great jams and is overall a good road trip choice, as I usually find the folk rock band to be.

Place I visited:
Though I could talk all day about the places I went during my study abroad semester last year, I thought it would be better to mention somewhere I travelled to within the last month or two. My family trips are often oriented around visiting a National Park. This fall break, we went to Acadia National Park and Bar Harbor, Maine. It was cold but absolutely beautiful, with a number of great hikes!  


Magazine I read:
The Gentlewoman is a nice step away from Vogue and has recently featured some good artist stories. I also quite like their minimal layout designs.

Blog I read:
I honestly don’t keep up with many blogs. The main one I do enjoy is
Pretty Little Fawn. She has a lovely warm and natural aesthetic. Consistency and honesty accompany her beautiful photos, which is always a plus.

Clothing/accessories/shoes I bought:
I had some good luck recently finding an excellent navy wool blazer on the consignment site The Real Real.

Event I attended:
Also something for the future, I look forward to visiting the new Georgia O’Keeffe: Living Modern exhibit at the Cleveland Museum of Art. Back in July in New York, I saw a small exhibition with pieces from her trip to Hawai’i in 1939. I am quite interested in seeing a different perspective on her life, particularly one that analyzes how both her clothes and her art changed over time. 

Instagram account:
 I enjoy seeing what projects artist Katie Rodgers is working on. On her Instagram account
@paperfashion, she is known for “shadow dancer” figures but also does beautiful florals and scenic pieces. She is also great at sharing her materials of choice and filming process videos.

Drink I tried:
In Kent, there is a quality coffee shop I frequent called Tree City Coffee. Their seasonal menus are always good, with one of my favorite autumn items being an Apple Harvest Tea. Ginger tea and a cinnamon stick are steeped in steamed apple juice. How genius!

TV show or movie I watched:
This year, I gave the show The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel a try, and I am obsessed! I love a good period piece appreciate the smart comedy woven in. The characters are dynamic and perfectly casted. The attention to detail in making the 1950’s setting is amazing too!

Thing overall I'm obsessed with:
Lastly, I am sure I am not the only one that falls down the rabbit hole of YouTube every once in awhile. One of my favorite series is Actors on Actors that Variety puts out. Every awards season or so, pairs of actors and actresses discuss their current film project and often fangirl over each other’s work. I will always have a spot in my heart for Hollywood, so I am all ears for a little behind-the-scenes!


Reena S. Goodwin of FACTEUR PR recognized by Modern CLE


Digital content and social media ideas for December