Don't miss out on the month of January to begin your PR campaign!

January is often a quiet month, one for rest and recuperation after the chaos of the holiday season. At FACTEUR, we like to use this time for a different kind of R&R: Reflect & Refresh. After the unique challenges last year brought, the coming of a brand new year will be seen as an opportunity to ‘start fresh’ for many people. Thus, it is the perfect time to introduce yourself to potential new customers with a thought-out PR plan!


Set your PR goals for the year

Before you start any sort of outreach or pitching, identify PR goals that best fit you, the type of business you have, and the audience you are trying to reach. PR doesn't have to mean pitching journalists at Vogue, (although we definitely encourage you to do so if it fits in with your plans!) it can also mean collaborating with influencers, or securing features on television or radio morning shows. Consider the audience you are trying to reach and then pick the media that they tend to look towards for inspiration. Collaborating with influencers is perfect to get in front of a younger, socially-conscious Gen Z audience, while a high-earner, high-spender may be better reached through the glossy pages of a magazine. 

It can be a good idea to physically separate your marketing calendar from your PR calendar, although they should always work together content-wise. This way, you can outline exactly when you want to pitch in January and the rest of the year, when you need to follow up, and any significant deadlines for the media won't sneak up on you! 

Pitch it out! 

Once you’ve identified who you want to reach out to, it’s time to form a pitch and make a plan! In the short term, your pitch angle for January should center around things like new beginnings, self-improvement, or refreshing your routine. If you’ve redone your branding for the new year, form a mini ‘launch’ around unveiling the new aesthetic, or host a webinar about the best techniques to relax after a stressful day. Remember, you have to EARN  the media coverage, so tailor your pitch around noteworthy topics or events that people will want to share!


Make sure you are keeping up with what your goal outlet is covering already so you can offer a follow up piece featuring your brand, or suggest new topics for an existing format that will be very easy for them to implement. The people you are pitching are also worn out from the holidays, so make it as easy for them to help you out as possible!  

If you are shooting for a long-lead feature like a magazine placement or influencer campaign, January is the perfect month to begin laying the groundwork. Be sure to schedule your pitch far enough in advance of publishing deadlines or significant holidays and events. Do your research to get your brand in front of the perfect person at an outlet, as well as ensuring you have their work address (or, if they prefer, obtain their WFH address) should you need to send any relevant samples or materials. 


If your head is spinning and you’re not sure where to get started, check out The DIY PR Project! This fully online workshop for securing your own press coverage, complete with videos, workbooks, and templates, will have you pitching like a pro in no time! After all, January is the perfect time to learn a new skill!

Would you like to chat about PR for your business? FACTEUR’s efforts in 2021 alone garnered more than $25 million in ad value and more than four billion impressions for our clients. We’d love to help you, too. Contact us!


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