Currently: Favorites with Hannah Krisinski


Welcome to Currentlya new series from FACTEUR PR where we share the latest favorites of our staff and clients here on our blog! In this edition, get to know Hannah Krisinski, FACTEUR PR Intern. Read on!

Name: Hannah Krisinski

Job: FACTEUR PR Intern

Location: Cleveland, Ohio

College you attend: Cleveland State University, studying Promotional Communications with a minor in Digital Design 

Currently, my favorite...

Book I recently read or reading: I’m usually super busy so I don’t have a ton of time to read, but I have been slowly working my way through Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die by Chip and Dan Heath. It was a suggestion from my design professor for some inspiration to be applied in both my life and work, and it has some really great points. I never thought I would be the kind of person who reads the “self-help” type of book, but this one is so good! 

Part of my job: Getting to know potential/current clients! I absolutely love the process of getting to know a new brand or business. Seeing the client’s passion for what they’re doing, and the challenge of personalizing everything you do for them based on that, is always such a good learning experience. 


Album or song: Drake’s new song, “Nice for What,” has been on repeat on my phone for days!

Magazine I read: This probably makes me sound like an old lady, but when I go to get my hair done, I always read through the entirety (every page, front to back!) of either Harper’s Bazaar or Vogue while I’m sitting in the salon. It’s like my ultimate relaxing me-time and also a great way to catch up on all the goings-on of popular culture.

Blog I read: This might not exactly be a blog, but my absolute favorite e-reading comes from the W Magazine In & Out email subscription. Every few days, they send out a page of current trends, news from the fashion/entertainment industry, and culture, among other things. It’s written in a fun sort of “what’s hot and what’s not” format and has lots of dry humor, which I love. 


Place I visited: I studied abroad in London, England this past summer, and it absolutely felt like home to me for the two months I was there. London is such a beautiful city and has incredible culture, people, food, and scenery that you can’t help but fall in love with. I also absolutely have to mention Edinburgh, Scotland (pictured above). It’s not a city on most people’s radar, but oh goodness, it should be! I was only there for a few days, but it stole my heart. 

Clothing/accessories/shoes I bought: This is honestly the hardest question! I’ll confess I am a bit of a shopaholic… I’ll shout out my favorite thing that I’m wearing a lot right now. It has to be a scarf I bought in Edinburgh, made from Scottish sheep’s wool, and colored like those classic Burberry scarves. I love to throw this on with a trench, or tie it around my purse handle if it’s a bit warmer. I also feel like I have to mention a pair of earrings from the Balmain collaboration with H&M. They are the funkiest and largest earrings I own. I feel like they are timeless, and they are my favorite thing I have ever splurged on. I have never worn them out because they are that intense and extremely heavy but I love to open the box every now and again just to look at those stunners! 

Event I attended: This is more of an exhibition. (But I’m gonna say it, anyway!)  Eyewitness Views at the Cleveland Museum of Art. I have a membership to the museum through my school, so if I’ve got nothing to do on a Sunday, that’s where I go. I saw this exhibition a few days ago and the whole collection really blew me away. 

Instagram account: I get a lot of style inspiration from Gabriel Gzimailaite. She likes to be frank with her audience, letting them know that her life is not always as glamorous as it seems on instagram, which is a nice contrast to most fashion influencers out there. Oh, and my own, hannikayz, of course!

Food I ate/restaurant I tried: My ultimate go-to is falafel at Tommy’s, which is a Cleveland institution, but you can find me trying out any and all restaurants with vegan options. A more recent favorite has to be Townhall. It’s located so close to me, in Ohio City, and they have a super unique and delicious veggie burger. Beet ketchup anyone?

Drink: I always say a glass of Prosecco a day keeps the doctor away! But, in all seriousness, I have an almond milk vanilla latte every morning to get my day started off right.  

TV show or movie I watched: I just binged the newest season of How to Get Away with Murder on Netflix. That show always makes me want to become a badass woman lawyer, or at least dress like one!

Thing overall I'm obsessed with: Chanel runway shows. I can binge watch them just like a TV show. The extreme effort that goes in to every single one to make them totally unique gets me every time. My personal fave is the SS14 Haute Couture show, which is really what got me into fashion, and I constantly go back to it even as new shows come out.  


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