Pinterest Just Might Be That One Thing Missing From Your Marketing Plan

Since its launch in 2010, Pinterest has seemingly fallen in and out of popularity over the years. However, all of us at FACTEUR think it is back, and in a big way. Time has proven that Pinterest is a very successful, yet rarely used, marketing tool. They have a great variety of users, mostly made up of millennial women. However, according to Pinterest, 50% of their new sign-ups this year have been men. If your targeted audience is included in this demographic, Pinterest is perfect for your brand! Whether you’re an influencer, blogger, business, etc. you should be using Pinterest in your marketing efforts to drive traffic to your website, increase sales, engagement, and credibility, among other things. Here’s why:

More People Use Pinterest Than You Think

Pew Research Center assembled research in January of 2018 which indicated that 29% of U.S. adults are users on Pinterest, third only to Facebook and Instagram. That is not an insignificant chunk of people.  And, if you’re not on Pinterest, you are missing out on that whole marketing segment.


Pinterest is more than Wedding Mood Boards and DIY Inspiration

Pinterest is essentially a search engine. People go there to find things they want, so why wouldn’t you put yourself out there for them to find? Once you break in and establish yourself, your experience is totally curated to your relevant fields of interest. Basically, you won’t have to fight with 50 “wedding dress” mood boards if you’re a personal chef, and vice versa! The OG Pinterest user, The Blogger, used Pinterest specifically to drive more interested traffic to their website, and so can you!

Pinterest Will Increase Your Visibility

Specifically, Pinterest can contribute to your site’s ever-so-important SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Newly launched in 2018, there are four different sections of Pinterest that your pins can be found on, making even more opportunities to connect with people. They are:

  • The Hashtag Feed

Relatively new to Pinterest, hashtags allow users to search for specific feeds showing current real-time posts containing their desired content. Adding all relevent hashtags to your pins will get your posts included in each one of those hashtag feeds.

  • The Smart Feed or Home Feed

This is where Pinterest assembles posts from a user’s interests. They are found using a new algorithm that looks at saved, related, and pins relevant to each user’s interest, and assembles a feed that prioritizes “best” over “newest.”

  • Search

The Search Feed shows the best of the best pins in the relevant category. In order to appear near the top in this feed, you need domain, pin, and pinner quality. A good way to get these things is to add as much information and legitimacy to your pins, personal website, and profile as possible.

  • The Following Tab

In the Following Tab, users see content that the people they follow are pinning. This is a one-stop-shop for recommendations from your own curated feed. A good way to appear on this is to increase your presence and consistency in pins to gain followers.

Appearing in all of these feeds will increase your SEO overall, and will lead to increased trust and visibility for your brand. Read
here for some more ways to “win” at Pinterest.

You Can Create a Free Business Profile

Because Pinterest will let you create a free business profile, you will be able to see analytics and trends for all of your content, making for easy and streamlined monitoring of your efforts over time. If you already have a Pinterest profile, you can also convert it to a business profile at any time! Follow this guide to learn more.  


You can Create Promoted and Buyable Pins

You can also purchase promoted pins, which bump up your placement in feeds, and are shown to increase total engagement.

Pinterest also allows users to create pins which have a feature allowing products to be bought within the Pinterest app itself. This feature is now available to every Pinterest user, via Shopify. Pinterest has indicated that 1 in every 2 people will make a purchase after seeing a promoted pin, and why not make it easier for them with this cool new feature?

Still not convinced? Read on to learn about recent success stories from businesses who have embraced Pinterest.

ThirdLove, an indie bra retailer that makes the “perfect bra” started using promoted pins with one-click access to a landing page from their own website. After six weeks of consistent and new content in promoted pins, they saw a 26% increase in traffic to their site, and a resulting 14% lower cost per acquisition.

Wayfair, a wildly popular furniture retailer, found huge success by creating buyable pins for every single one of their products. Since launching this campaign they have seen increased traffic and revenues, and decreased advertising costs.

Moorea Seal was a recent graduate, who wanted to launch her own business. She gained popularity on Pinterest because of her curated boards. Each one was thoughtfully curated and housed enough appealing content to gain her a mass following. Since joining Pinterest, she has gotten two book deals, opened an online store, and opened a store front, all of which she attributes to her Pinterest success.

Seems pretty easy, right? Pinterest might just be what you’re missing to get your marketing plan really working for you. If you have experience with Pinterest or are going to give Pinterest marketing a shot, let us know how you get on in the comments below. And of course, share this post with your business hustling friends!


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