Digital content and story ideas for September


Summer is coming to a close, and the smell of fall is in the air! September is one of our favorite months, and it has no shortage of great events that can serve as an inspirational source for blogging. These ideas are also applicable to your social media and media relations pitches. To get you started, here are just a few opportunities this month to align your brand or business with some already note-worthy happenings online.

September is...

  • Self Improvement Month

  • National Sewing Month

  • Better Breakfast Month

  • Healthy Aging Month

  • Classical Music Month 

  • National Skin Care Awareness Month

Daily opportunities include...

September 4: Labor Day
September 6: National Read a Book Day
September 7: Beer Lover's Day
September 15: LGBT Awareness Day
September 18: National Cheeseburger Day
September 19: National Aging Awareness Day
September 22: First Day of Fall
September 26: National Pancake Day
September 25: National One-Hit Wonder Day
September 27: National Women's Health & Fitness Day
September 29: National Coffee Day

Want more content ideas for the year? These are just a few of the ones we've identified! We have developed four editorial content calendars specifically for the food & drink, arts & hobbies, health & wellness, and lifestyle industries. You can find them under the Instant Resources tab here on the FACTEUR website (and showcased below). We've pulled together social media, blogging, and PR opportunities based on monthly and daily holidays, hashtags, and high profile events that are related to each of those industries. Also included is a list of story ideas to get you started with developing your editorial plan, as well as space to brainstorm your own ideas. We're offering each calendar for $10, and if you buy all four with our Blogger Bundle, you basically get one free! Plus, every time we update the calendars, we'll make sure you'll get the newest iteration (at no extra charge, of course). Happy creating!


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