Quick tips: social media for retailers


With a crowded social media space, it is hard to stand out amongst the competition online, but it's essential to try your best. Posting content that is relatable, eye catching and relevant to your audience are just a few of the tips to practice when using social media for retail. Let's dive deeper.

Seven social media tips for retailers: 

1.     Be relevant. Be sure to stay true to your brand and your audience. If you're a fashion retailer, stick to content that will appeal to your customer who is looking for trends and stylish clothing rather than posting images of your lunch (a little off-topic content is OK, just make sure it fits into your overall strategy). Use the right hashtags, too.

2.     Show! Don’t just tell. Social media is all about the visuals, so have high quality photos and videos. While not all of your followers will see your content due to algorithms, those that do will see your images first, and then perhaps will read your caption. Always keep in mind the image you use in your post is catching the interest of your viewer first thing.

3.     Consistency is key. Readers will respond better when they are seeing quality posts from your business on a regular basis. If readers see your business posting every day, that consistency will help to build more of a personal relationship with them. That relationship builds trust, and trust builds sales.

4.     Pay attention to detail. Every post should be well thought out and intentional. Most of the time your followers will only spend a few seconds on your post, so make it count! 

5.     Make it personal. Whether it's on your website or in your store(s). you are selling to people, and on social media, you are selling to people as well, though not always through a direct transaction. Make sure your communications are personal and thoughtful, creating a two-way engagement, not just using your posts to sell. 

6.     Change up content. The great thing about social media is you can always experiment with your strategy. One way to do that is to switch up your content types. Try posting beautiful photos, but also videos, Boomerangs, Stories, coupons, contests, behind-the-scenes posts and more. This will keep readers engaged and interested. Just about ever retailer is on social these days. So change up your content to keep those customers coming back for more!

6.     Have fun. Remember, people don't just buy products, they buy the lifestyle that comes with it. Show how much fun they will have with your products - inspire them and have fun!


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