The Influencer Marketing Trends To Anticipate In 2022


One of our favorite sources for all that’s trending in marketing, Tribe, recently released its report detailing its expectations for 2022 Influencer Marketing. The research was conducted with brands and agencies, across the U.S and abroad, and the findings allowed for five main conclusions on the state of Influencer Marketing in 2022. I’ve read through the report and digested the insights so you don’t have to! (Although I still recommend a read-through, of course!) 

Read on for the 5 trends to anticipate and integrate into your plan for your 2022 Influencer Marketing efforts. 

  1. Influencer Marketing will become a more central pillar in your marketing strategy. 

    If you’re not doing it already, you absolutely should be planning on it in the coming year! Influencer marketing is becoming an industry of its own, and it will continue to grow. As Tribe research shows, in 2021 executives were increasingly aware of the value that influencer campaigns brought to brands, and they were more willing to back influencer marketing efforts.Now, in 2022, more time and resources are being devoted to marketing and influencer teams to support this trend than ever! 

    As a marketer, take the time to bring an influencer initiative up in your team roundtable. Or, as a small business owner, consider hiring a social media assistant or coordinator with high social literacy who can devote time to building this aspect of your brand.

  2. TikTok, TikTok, TikTok

    Just as influencer marketing grows, TikTok grows right along with it. The platform’s intense upward trajectory is anticipated to only continue as more and more influencers and brands find their way to the app. In this case, we recommend you follow the crowd and join them!

  3. High quality products and clearly defined values resonate better with influencers and audiences. 

    According to Tribe, influencers have rated product quality as their most important factor when considering work with a brand, and this is unlikely to change over the next year. In addition, influencers are increasingly seeking out brands with whom they share social values. It’s often no longer enough to be neutral, or decline to comment on social issues, and current news. In our hyper connected and digital world, no entity exists in a bubble. Taking a stance, or even commenting on social issues, will let your audience know you’re conscious of this fact, and this oftentimes will increase brand loyalty. Although you should never limit yourself, choose a few causes and organizations to support, and don’t be afraid to be vocal. (Although remain honest! Lying about things like donations or charity and humanitarian efforts will always get exposed!)

    Align on these two factors, and you’re in a golden position for attracting your ideal influencer, and successfully creating a highly engaged result from the influencer campaign.

  4. Anticipate that you’ll have to compensate 💸

    We know you don’t like to hear it! But, as influencing becomes a commonplace and viable full-time occupation, anticipate that influencers will require a fee to collaborate with your brand in 2022. 

    Don’t make the mistake of thinking your product is so good that gifting it is enough return for every influencer. You have a major ask. You’re committing the influencer to spend time and resources lending their creativity to you and your brand or brand campaign, shooting content, editing content, and perhaps even reshooting should something go wrong. A lot of time and energy goes into that process, and most often, free products don’t make up for the lost time. Second, you don’t want your brand to get the reputation for expecting free work. As much as an influencer and social media can hype you up, they can also tear you down just as fast. 

    Keep in mind, with a paid campaign, you also have MUCH more control over deliverables, both with fact checking, tone, and even timing. Throughout it all, however, be cautious that you don’t forget to maintain the creator’s authenticity and personality. People know when influencers are just reading off a campaign brief, and it’s off-putting  and comes off as lazy advertising. 

    All that being said, there is an occasion for everything! Gifting campaigns with your biggest fans and influencers who seek you out are often just as beneficial as a paid campaign. A good balance is key!

  5. Trends in Wellness and Fitness continue to lead the way.

    These two categories enjoyed an astronomical rise in popularity during the beginning of the Covid pandemic, and now, two years on, they show no signs of slowing. If your product or service happens to be in these categories, then you’re in a great position, but for some brands, it may be difficult to see how you can take advantage. If that’s the case for you, then get creative! Perhaps your skincare product is great for applying fresh out the shower, so maybe it’s a post-workout winner. Or, your home decor item is helpful for organization, and therefore helps create a more seamless WFH experience. Anything that helps keep your space organized and productive is contributing to your mental wellness! Still not sure? Chat with your audience and find out how they would use your product. No doubt the ideas will start to flow! 

While the influencer space is always changing, it’s important to be conscious of the long-term, while maintaining your ability to be flexible at a moment's notice. With these trends in mind, begin your 2022 plan, but always be open to change! Let us know if we can help!


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