The best way to attract new clients to your dermatology or skincare practice

Consumers are savvier than ever. With a wealth of information at their fingertips, they meticulously research and compare options before making decisions. If you run a dermatology practice or any health & wellness practice, really, this reality makes it increasingly challenging to differentiate your practice and providers from the competition.

One of the most effective ways to stand out while increasing visibility, building trust, creating content, and borrowing credibility is through earned media coverage. Here's why earned media is a game-changer for wellness practices:

1. Earned media increases visibility without the PPC.

Getting featured in prominent media outlets like Allure, ELLE, or InStyle significantly increases your practice's visibility. These publications have a wide and dedicated readership, which means your practice reaches a larger audience.

2. Earned media builds trust.

Trust is a crucial factor in healthcare decisions. When a reputable media outlet features your practice, it acts as a third-party endorsement. According to Nielsen, this type of media coverage is more convincing in terms of building consumer trust than any other type.

3. Earned media is valuable content to leverage indefinitely.

Press coverage generates high-quality content that can be repurposed across various platforms. Whether it's a quote from an interview, a feature story, or a review, this content can be shared on your social media channels, website, Google search ads, email newsletters, and more. The best part? This content can be leveraged indefinitely, providing ongoing value, not to mention a worthy investment.

4. You get to borrow major credibility with earned media.

Being featured in major media outlets lends credibility to your practice. It positions you as an expert in your field and a trusted authority, which can sway potential patients and clients in your favor.

Imagine you're considering two new dermatology practices in your community. Both look great and offer comparable services, but one has been featured in major media outlets like Allure, ELLE, and InStyle. Which one would you trust more? Most likely, the one with the impressive media features.

You don't have to just blend in or keep up – stand out with PR.

FACTEUR PR is an award-winning PR & partnerships studio for beauty, home, and wellness brands. Want to learn more about how we can help empower your brand? Book a call:

Reena Goodwin

Reena Goodwin is the founder and director of FACTEUR PR, focused on public relations, social media, content marketing, and digital creative services for the studio, as well as client relations, business development, and more.

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