Meet Our New Summer Interns!

We are so excited to welcome our summer Media Research & Engagement Interns to FACTEUR PR:
meet Shayla Doane and Mia Mager.


Shayla Doane is a rising senior Marketing major with two concentrations in Fashion and Digital/Social Media Marketing at Fairfield University, spending the summer in her home of NYC. She holds a passion for fashion, Marketing, Social Media, and is excited about exploring a career in Public Relations. She is eager to explore all the opportunities FACTEUR PR has to offer and put her experience and skills to work. Outside of her academic career, Shayla enjoys traveling and spending time with her family. 


Mia Mager is a student at Miami University studying Media and Communications, assistant modeling director at Miami University Fashion and Design as well as a member of the marketing club. After growing up in New York City, she now spends her summers in Cleveland, Ohio. In her free time, she loves to paint and design and be with family and friends. She looks forward to bringing her social media and marketing skills to FACTEUR PR and learning from the team.

Please join us in welcoming them to the team by leaving a comment below or on Instagram! Plus, stay tuned for some blogs and other great content from Shayla and MIa throughout the coming months here on the FACTEUR blog! 


Benefits Of Combining PR + Social Media With The Same Agency


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