Holiday Marketing: Quick Tips To Help You Grow This Season


The 2017 holiday season is officially upon us! While most of us are happy to survive the rush that the month of December brings, there is an immense opportunity to still reach new audiences and ultimately grow your business. Below you'll find a few quick tips to get you started. Need extra support? FACTEUR would love to help!

Involve your staff

Your staff can help boost any marketing campaign. Have them repost content to their social-media platforms, post in groups they belong to and share with friends! They are your greatest ambassadors. Don't forget to introduce them on your own social media channels, too. (Instagram stories is particularly valuable for that.) Related: Five ways to use Instagram Stories for your brand or business

Get emotional

The holiday season carries a lot of meaning for most people. People aren't just buying gifts, they are hoping to make someone smile or perhaps even make their loved ones' lives easier or better. Harness that emotion and share the 'why' behind why your offering makes a great gift. Sharing testimonials is a great way to do that.

Invest in paid social

If you've never invested in your social media strategy, now is the time. Instagram and Facebook are especially 'pay to play.' Look into boosting posts to reach your ideal audience. The audience insights alone are worth the cost. 

Generate a sense of urgency

Tell your customers why they should buy from you RIGHT NOW. Is it free shipping, a holiday bonus gift, or just that there is limited product so act quickly! Create a time sensitive offer to increase the chances of an impulse buy from your customers.

Online deals

Don’t have an online store? No problem. You can still post coupons or special promotions to your social media sites to draw customers in. For example, “show this post on Instagram in store and receive 20% off one item today and tomorrow only!” (Need assistance creating your online marketplace? We can help!)

E-mail your subscribers weekly

Up your emails and communicate with your subscriber list on a weekly basis. Make sure your communications are thoughtful and relevant with each send (meaning: don't send the same email over and over again!). Related: E-mail is not dead: why you need to build a list to build your brand or business

Print postcards

Score! You attracted new customers. Now how do you get them to return? Your opportunity at the cash register might be the only time to connect with them. Drop a postcard in their bag with either a special offer during the months of January-February, sign them up for your e-mail newsletter, send an invitation to an upcoming event, or a follow on social media to stay engaged.

Personalize campaigns

Take your ads to the next level. Find a way to incorporate customers into your brand story. Office Max saw a huge boost with their “Elf Yourself” social-media campaign. The more innovative and fun the better!

Streamline channels

If you're a small business and do not have a full-time social media person on staff, we can't stress enough the importance of scheduling your holiday posts out. Take a few hours one day after work each week and create your content and schedule your communications. Keep a consistent theme throughout the season and across all social-media channels. Don't forget to also spend extra time monitoring your comments and answering questions, too! 


Digital content and social media ideas for December


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