Currently: Favorites With Reena Goodwin


Welcome to Currentlya new series from FACTEUR PR where we share the latest favorites of our staff and clients here on our blog! In this edition, get to know Reena Goodwin, FACTEUR Founder and Director! Read on...

Name: Reena Goodwin
Job: Founder and Director
Location: Cleveland, Ohio
College you go to/went to (and major): The Ohio State University, BA in Public Affairs Journalism

Currently, my favorite...

Book I recently read or reading: I've just started digging into Brene Brown's newest book, Into the Wilderness. I am such a sucker for books on self realization. This one is pretty good so far (but then again, Brown can do no wrong!).


Part of my job: I love that everyday I get to take what I am passionate about it and use it to help other people. Having a business is kind of like having a baby. It's so precious, and I feel really honored to be part of a growth story. Specifically, I'm a people-person so I love meeting with people, be it clients or reporters. Everyone's got a story to tell and it's so nice to listen.

Album or song: I'm not in love with the new Arcade Fire album, but I've been listening to the track, "Creature Comfort," on repeat. 

Magazine I read: Nylon has always been a favorite.

Blog I read: Olivia Jeanette's self titled blog. It's equal parts fashion, shopping, love, family, NYC, travel, beauty, etc. She is such a lovely person from what I can tell based off her posts and the exchanges I have had with her. 

Place I visited: Austin, Texas. Just until recently I had only been to Austin for SXSW, and it was so nice to experience the city for once outside of a crazy music/film/tech festival!


Clothing/accessories/shoes I bought: I haven't gone shopping in seemingly forever because I'm still trying to lose these last 10 pounds of pregnancy weight! But I did buy my first pair of heels for post-baby. They are black leather sandals with a wooden heel from Clarks. And they are surprisingly cute and mega comfortable!

Event I attended: Seeing Sheryl Sandberg speak over the summer. Her words were so powerful and personal. She's a woman that truly inspires me professionally.

Instagram account: @FACTEURPR of course! Just kidding (sorta). I've been addicted to influencers more than brands these days, and just love Chinae Alexander's feed. She's totally real and such a badass. I'd give her a follow if you're into fashion and fitness (and girl power).

Food I ate/restaurant I tried: Cleveland has some ah-mazing restaurants. I really enjoyed checking out Forage recently. Moules frites is one of my favorite foods ever, and they've got a good bowl of that.

Drink: A delicious red Bordeaux when it comes to booze. Matcha almond milk lattes if we are talking caffeine. Plain old water for everything else. 

TV show or movie I watched: I am digging the new season of "Broad City" and really loved the last season of "Master of None." Now I have to go to Italy asap.

Thing overall I'm obsessed with: My baby. It's true. Ever since Simone was born over the summer, I've been madly in love. I'm that girl, now.


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