Tips for maximizing your press coverage

If you’re working on securing press coverage for your brand yourself or with an agency, you know it takes a lot of effort, creativity, and patience. Once you’ve landed some of that coveted ink, take a moment to celebrate! But only for a minute, because the work isn’t over. Press coverage helps build trust with your audiences, and moving on too quickly from the coverage you’ve already secured is a missed opportunity to garner more impressions on your important accolade. If you’re curious about how to make your publicity go even farther and make an even bigger impact, read on.

  1. Share the press on social media.

    Share, share, share! Create a tasteful graphic like the one above or snip a portion of the video or audio with the press clipping and post it to your Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and TikTok. Be sure to tag the outlet and the editor, too, and thank them – they want and need the clicks, too! (Pro-tip: our COURANTLY memberships include new social media graphics every month like the one above - just plug and post!)

  2. Boost the post.

    Once the graphic is shared, put some muscle behind it and boost the post to your current audience and like-audiences in order to reach more people.

  3. Create a section on your website for press coverage.

    Whether it’s a page that links to all of your ink or including logos to the media outlets that have featured you or your brand, the more places you can showcase these third-party endorsements, the better.

  4. Write a blog post expanding on the article.

    One of the wonderful things about press is that it “lasts forever.” Once you’re featured in The New York Times, you can always say you’ve been featured in The New York Times. There is no expiration. This goes for SEO, too. If you can share more with your own audience and expand upon the article while featuring it, your blog is a nice place to do that. If you have an e-newsletter, share it there, too.

  5. Update your marketing materials.

    Include any accolades, pull-quotes, logos, etc. in your press kit, bio, brochures, menus, etc. While we talk a lot about virtual these days, don’t forget any paper products that you create supporting your business as a great place to celebrate these wins, too!

  6. Use existing press to help garner more press.

    Make the job of a reporter a little easier by mentioning some of the places you, your brand, or client have been a source when pitching for new stories. More press can absolutely influence more press!


>> Should I hire a PR agency or DIY?

>> Land your own press coverage with The DIY PR Project!

>> Inquire about FACTEUR PR’s one-on-one agency services


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Social media and story ideas for the month of May