Social media and story ideas for the month of May


It’s nearly May, and if you're in the northern hemisphere, you are probably welcoming some consistently warmer weather, which always inspires us to create new things even in these strange times. May has no shortage of great events that can serve as an inspirational source for blogging. These ideas are also applicable to your social media and media relations pitches. To get you started, here are just a few opportunities this month to align your brand or business with some already note-worthy happenings online.

May is...

  • Vegan Month

  • National Peanut Butter Lovers Month

  • National Water Safety Month

  • World Stroke Month

  • National Bike Month

  • National Photograph Month

  • National Songwriting Month

Daily opportunities include...

May 2: National Lemonade Day
May 4: National Star Wars Day
May 5: Cinco De Mayo
May 7: National Packaging Design Day
May 9: Mother's Day
May 11: National Foam Rolling Day
May 18: International Museum Day
May 20: Bike to Work Day
May 25: National Wine Day
May 27: International Jazz Day
May 28: National Hamburger Day
May 31: National Macaroon Day

Want more content ideas for the year? Check out COURANTLY, the marketing membership for lifestyle brands, and receive a new content calendar every month!



Grace Hoffman joins FACTEUR PR as its new Brand Marketing & Operations intern after just completing her first year as an Operations Management major at Miami University’s Farmer School of Business. She is excited to combine creative problem-solving and design thinking to develop key operational and marketing materials with the team at FACTEUR PR. Grace is grateful for this opportunity and looks forward to hands-on learning and furthering the company’s reach.

Please join us in welcoming her to the team by leaving a comment below or on Instagram! 


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