Should You Hire A PR Agency Or DIY?


At FACTEUR PR, we’re really proud to support both emerging lifestyle businesses and established lifestyle brands. Our DIY offerings, like COURANTLY and The DIY PR Project, are fantastic and approachable resources for solopreneurs and start-ups, while our one-on-one agency support is ideal for brands who are looking to expand their teams and take their business to the next level.

But what if you’re stuck on what to do or feeling somewhere in between? Should you hire an agency or take the DIY route? We’re laying out a checklist for you below to help you make your decision with confidence.

The DIY route might be for you if….

✔️ You’re thinking about starting a lifestyle business but have dragged your feet in part because the marketing feels overwhelming.

✔️You’re a side-hustler ready to take your business to the next level and looking for tried-and-true communications tactics.

✔️You’re a one-person show.

✔️You dream of press coverage for your product or service but have no idea where to begin.

✔️ You have time to market your business yourself (about 10 hours each week).

✔️ You’re patient and don’t mind the additional effort it might take to get your marketing up and running and see results.

✔️ You are comfortable holding yourself completely accountable for growing your business.

✔️ You have hundreds of dollars to spend on marketing/PR each year.

The Agency route might be better for you if….

✔️ Your business is growing rapidly, and you’re ready to expand your team to take on more responsibility, OR

✔️ Your business is stable, and you’d like to take it to the next level.

✔️ You or your team lacks the time or expertise to publicize your business.

✔️ You have deadlines like launches, openings, or new releases that need to be met more quickly than planning and executing on your own.

✔️ You also want support with brand messaging, media training, imaging, and crisis communications.

✔️ You would rather invest in an agency’s media relationships than spend the extra time trying to develop your own.

✔️ You realize that PR is an investment that pays off over the long-term and are ready to commit.

✔️ You have thousands of dollars to spend on marketing/PR each year.

If you still have questions, please drop them in the comments below or send us an email at hello @ facteurpr dot com!

Check out our Instant Resources or Contact Us to discuss our one-on-one agency services!


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