Meet our new intern, Mackenzie Berk


We are so excited to welcome our spring 2021 intern to the FACTEUR PR team. Meet Mackenzie Berk!

Mackenzie is currently a senior at the University of Dayton in pursuit to graduate this May with a Bachelor of Arts and Science in Communication and a concentration in Public Relations. In her free time, she loves diving into a great non-fiction book, going on a spontaneous outdoor adventure with good company and cooking and considers herself a “foodie". Mackenzie has a passion for traveling and fulfilled some of that desire last year studying abroad on Semester at Sea. A native of Cleveland, she hopes to continue to expand on her traveling desires in the near-future! 

Mackenzie is joining us as our Media Research & Engagement Intern, and we’re excited to have her. Please join us in welcoming her to the team by leaving a comment below or on Instagram! Plus, stay tuned for some blogs and other great content from Mackenzie throughout the coming months here on the FACTEUR blog! 


Digital content and story ideas for the month of March


Three easy ways to streamline your social media this year