Three easy ways to streamline your social media this year

In an ever-increasingly digital world, social media is often where brands focus the majority of their time and attention. And for good reason, too, as 24% of consumers discover brands on social media. We know it’s worth it, but time and ability sometimes fall short, especially if you’re a small business owner, start-up, or solopreneur. To help you out, we have outlined three easy steps below to help you hack your social media plan and allow you to kick off 2021 with a bang! 


1. Update yourself on new features

Social media platforms are constantly evolving and adding new features. Although not everything will be appropriate or worth your time to implement, it is worth staying in the know for something that could really boost your business! For example, Pinterest just launched new creator profile features that allow users to host native content on Pinterest, rather than linking to a different website. And Instagram has launched a ton of new shopping features that allow users to make a purchase without leaving the app, and they have evolved their targeted advertising abilities for even better targeting. These are all fantastic for conversion into sales and for the continuous growth of your audience. We recently shared some of our favorite must-know features - check them out! Be sure to take a look at your Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest bios – are they written with your target audiences in mind? It might be time for a refresh.

Pro Tip: Take a bit of time each month to check out the Business blog from each of your favorite social media platforms. This will always be where new features are unveiled first! Check out Instagram’s Business blog

2. Use a social media scheduling platform 

If you aren’t using a social media planning platform, you are definitely missing out! Not only do they allow you to schedule and draft posts for social media months in advance, but most of them will also auto-publish for you! You don’t have to worry about opening Instagram every day, staring at your phone wondering to post. And your social media can be active even when you aren't immediately! 

There are a ton of platforms to choose from, each with different features and capabilities. Some have native engagement tools where you can respond to comments on all of your posts in one place, some have fantastic analytics to help you make data-backed scheduling and content decisions, and some have all of that and more! We love Later here at FACTEUR and another popular one is Hootsuite! Planoly is great, too.

Pro Tip: Many social media scheduling platforms are free to use to an extent, but you may be able to unlock beneficial features, like linkinbio and in-depth analytics, for a very affordable price! 

3. Subscribe to COURANTLY

If you are struggling to come up with social media content or topics each month, then subscribe to COURANTLY! This subscription service for lifestyle brands delivers a package of timely content, ideas, and templates to your inbox on the first day of each month, all wrapped up with a nice little bow and ready for you to implement straight away! Not only will you get help with social media, there is also a list of monthly opportunities for press, marketing insights, and blogging and social media templates. This is the easiest way to keep your business au courant in 2021! 

Pro Tip: Once subscribed, you are automatically a part of the COURANTLY community. Network, share ideas, and collaborate to your heart’s content in the Facebook group!


Meet our new intern, Mackenzie Berk


Social media and story ideas for December