How to use storytelling to sell your brand

Now that we're in the first full work week of Q3, the holiday sales season is likely on your mind (or should be, asap!). But remember, it's not just about what you'll sell; it's about the story you'll tell.

When it comes to building a brand, relationships are everything. It's the genuine connections with our audiences that breathe life and loyalty into a business. Here’s why focusing on these relationships is crucial:

Authenticity builds trust: Consumers are savvier than ever. They can spot a generic marketing pitch a mile away. Genuine stories shared by real people resonate more deeply and build trust.

Focus on engagement over only promotion: Engaging with your audience isn’t just about pushing a product. It’s about educating, listening, responding, and being part of the conversation. This two-way interaction strengthens loyalty and fosters a community around your brand vs. promoting a commodity.

Use storytelling as a bridge: Products don't tell stories; people do. The stories we share connect us. They humanize our brand, making it relatable and memorable. Keep in mind that storytellers are not just the people in your business. They can be advocates and ambassadors, as well.

Work with the media as allies: That said, you can't interview a product (unless it's a talking product, like the toy hamster that my mother-in-law got for my daughters that strangely has gone missing...!). Building relationships with journalists and influencers helps them become partners in sharing your brand's story. When they understand and believe in your brand, their endorsements carry weight and reach, creating powerful leverage for your marketing.

While there are no short-cuts to building relationships, there are smart-cuts, like our RENEW/WELL event on July 31 in NYC, where you can introduce your product or service to 100 journalists & influencers who can introduce you to thousands of more people.

If you're interested in reaching more potential customers or clients with valuable media endorsements, especially before the holidays, boosting your investor or wholesale pitch packs with more social proof, or building a community of influencers to advocate for your brand, RENEW/WELL will be beneficial for you.

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Reena Goodwin

Reena Goodwin is the founder and director of FACTEUR PR, focused on public relations, social media, content marketing, and digital creative services for the studio, as well as client relations, business development, and more.

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