Nine reasons why your PR campaign might not be landing as anticipated – and how to fix it

We know that with media, specific results can’t be guaranteed since earned media is well, earned, not bought! Nevertheless, when embarking on a PR campaign, nothing is more frustrating than hearing crickets. A well-connected PR agency can leverage its industry relationships and editorial know-how to your advantage, but if results aren't meeting expectations after six months, one or more factors might be at play. Here’s what we've identified as some of the top issues as to why a brand's PR campaign might not be landing as anticipated. The good news? They all have a solution.

1. Problem: Branding

Solution: This is the biggest problem we see. Often, a complete brand overhaul isn't necessary. Small adjustments to your packaging, photography, and website can significantly enhance your brand's appeal.

2. Problem: No Spokesperson

Solution: People tell stories, not products. If you lack a designated spokesperson to help educate or inform, media training one or sourcing an outside partner can move the needle. Note: your marketing department is not your spokesperson. :)

3. Problem: Slow Response Times

Solution: Timely responses to media interviews and sample requests are critical. Deadlines are deadlines for a reason! Prioritize them as much as your agency does. It makes a difference.

4. Problem: No Affiliates

Solution: Expanding your retail presence, especially on platforms like Amazon, is essential. Your agency partner can also collaborate with you on a competitive affiliate strategy to make your products attractive to publishers and influencers.

5. Problem: Lackluster Social Media

Solution: Yes, editors and influencers often stalk your social media before deciding to collaborate. Ensure your profiles feature high-quality content and engagement. The ones to focus on: Instagram, TikTok, and LinkedIn.

6. Problem: Insufficient Runway

Solution: PR is a long-term strategy. If you have an upcoming launch, plan ahead – at least three months ahead! The longer the runway, the better the takeoff.

7. Problem: Impersonal Outreach

Solution: While pitching is essential, it shouldn't be your only tactic. Consider intimate media events, virtual desksides, strategic partnerships, and influencer collaborations to capture journalists' and consumers' attention – especially if what you're pitching is a product or experience!  If you're a wellness-related brand, check out our RENEW/WELL NYC event as mentioned early – this is a fantastic opportunity to truly connect with media especially leading up to the holiday season (and incredibly cost-effective, too).

8. Problem: Limited Retail Presence

Solution: Retail availability impacts media coverage. If your products aren't in major retailers like Target or Sephora, leveraging platforms like Amazon is helpful to level the playing field.

9. Problem: Lack of Patience

Solution: Building media interest takes time, especially for new brands and those in ultra-competitive industries. Coverage takes even longer – months! That is why we say you need at least six months to truly learn and evaluate what’s working and what’s not landing for your brand. But to help speed up this process, consider hosting events, press trips, meet-ups, and celebrity/influencer seeding to stand out from the email clutter and connect more meaningfully to keep your brand top-of-mind.

Reena Goodwin

Reena Goodwin is the founder and director of FACTEUR PR, focused on public relations, social media, content marketing, and digital creative services for the studio, as well as client relations, business development, and more.

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